Hello group,

I have been asked to take care of finances for builds, group buys, and the gathering. We are trying to keep things simple and organized, especially with our growing numbers. We want to respect those who are willing to take their time to lead our builds or arrange group buys by paying quickly and easily.

PayPal and Venmo will be the option for payments. I know both are secure and an effortless way to track who has paid. Both are easy to set up. I have set up PayPal AND Venmo. Here’s my info: AND Jen Fitt @Grimdeath Payments must be made by due date, no exceptions. Have respect for the lead, they need the money to pay for product. DO NOT count on “extra” kits at the actual build, that’s up to the lead, if they have some great, if not…NO crying, it’s embarrassing! RSVP will be collected by the lead then given to me to collect payment. Any kit not paid for by the due date will come up for sale the following day. We will do it this way so none of our leads will have to put out money for kits that will sit in their garage. We want to get to a point where we have money to help leads collect parts before all payments are made without using their own funds.

There will be other members included in the financials.

Any questions or suggestions can be sent to me: [email protected] or Damon: [email protected]

Oh by the way if you don’t know me, I’m Jen Fitt, that is all you need to know! Have a nice day!